Washington, DC


CCS undertook a project for the Federal Aviation Administration, installing a Control Room monitoring air traffic control and airport runways in New England, alongside a Training Room featuring advanced display technology and remote control capabilities.

Project Description

The Federal Aviation Administration project consisted of designing and installing a Control Room that monitors air traffic control and airport runways for the New England region. In addition, CCS designed and installed a Training Room at the FAA utilizing state-of-the-art display technology and full remote control capabilities. CCS’ solution included (9) 61″ NEC HD Displays, AMX Touchscreen Control Systems, Satellite feeds, JBL speakers, and a SMART Touchscreen Interactive Overlay.

Project Goal

To design and install a state-of-the-art Control Room and Training Room at the Federal Aviation Administration.

Project Detail

Client Name:
Federal Aviation Administration
Merrimack, NH
CCS New England
The Federal Aviation Administration project consisted of designing and installing a Control Room which monitors air traffic control and airport runways for the New England region. In addition, CCS designed and installed a Training Room at the FAA utilizing state-of-the-art display technology and full remote control capabilities. CCS’ solution included (9) 61″ NEC HD Displays, AMX Touchscreen Control Systems, Satellite feeds, JBL speakers and a SMART Touchscreen Interactive Overlay.

Expand Your World Beyond Your Physical Walls!

Every job is custom, but most corporate clients are interested in a variety of presentation systems including projectors, projection screens, large-format flat panel displays and high definition video conferencing. Additionally, CCS has the ability to integrate a room control system to provide total control over your audiovisual components.
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