Today’s K-12 teachers face a lot of challenges in their work. From the manner of teaching students, to the tools being used, to the disciplinary and attention needs of the students, it’s a lot for teachers to handle. One area they shouldn’t have to worry about is the in-classroom audio-visual solutions.
Many classrooms in today’s schools contain multiple electronic devices which are used as teaching aids. Projectors, HDTVs, document cameras, audio reinforcement systems, and other devices are now commonplace across school districts for teaching students.
It sounds like an ideal situation for teachers and school administrators, right? Well, unfortunately, it isn’t. Just as in our own homes, having too many devices for different electrical appliances can lead to unmanageability. Teachers are looking for one device to manage the features of all the electronic teaching methods.
Since each classroom setup is connected differently based on the available features and inputs, each device in a classroom may have a remote control that requires a unique startup sequence. This increases the time and complexity it takes for a teacher to perform a given function.
Our partners at Cables To Go have developed the ideal solution to this problem. As a leading manufacturer and distributors of computer cables and connectivity solutions, Cables To Go offers its TruLink® A/V Controller specifically engineered for use in K-12 classrooms. This all-in-one controller is easy to install, program and operate and is designed for easy control of all classroom audio video equipment.
The TruLink® A/V Controller puts the control into the hands of the teacher, without the cost and complexity associated with “higher-end” solutions. Some of the features include:
- Large, backlit buttons for easy identification and quick operation
- On-board real-time clock for easy time and date programming, including automatic start-up and shut-down capability
- Backup capability eliminates the need to reprogram in the event of a power failure
- Up to 32 commands for control of numerous A/V devices Durable construction backed by a five year warranty ensures consistent operation in the demanding classroom
Educators should be able to do the things they’re passionate about, like motivating students to learn to think creatively; helping them acquire problem-solving skills, step into leadership roles, and to address the challenges of the future. If making their lives easier is through better classroom audio-visual solutions, CCS Presentation Systems is eager to help schools reach that goal through its work and connected partnerships. Contact us today for a consultation.