CCS Presentation Systems has been named one of the top solutions providers in North America by CRN Magazine.
Now in its 18th year, the CRN Solution Provider 500 List ranks the top solutions providers, the largest integrators, service providers and IT consultants in North America, ranked by their solution provider services revenue.
It’s an honor that CCS is proud to make every year, as we continue to grow our business across all fronts of the digital audio-visual solutions industry.
This is an important service list for the American economy. CCS is thrilled to be included in the top 200 firms and will look to grow that number year over year. The full Solution Provider 500 list is available at the CRN website and will be in its June print edition.
Besides providing solutions to clients on large audio-visual installations, we also consult on systems integrations and oversee training and project maintenance as well.
Contact our sales team for more information on all your audio-visual solutions needs at